Thursday, April 15, 2010


        In October '09 I presented my Down Sally's Alley Line of Greeting Cards to Dave, the General Manager at Barnes & Noble Bookstore University of Chicago.  His reaction to Sally's cards was positive and encouraging, however, it probably comes as no surprise that B&N doesn't ordinarly work with small upstart publishers like DSA, but after Dave noodled around some ideas and scenarios, he agreed to show a sampling of Sally Cards in early 2010.  Wasn't that nice?  True to his word  in March 2010 "Sally" made her Debut at B&N, Uof C Bookstore.  I was excited that Sally was placed in  "prime" real estate at counter level where she keeps good company with Godiva Chocolate and Hello Kitty. Stop in and Check Us Out  at Barnes & Noble/ 58th & Ellis /University of Chicago Campus!

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